2018年6月16日 星期六

江蕙 酒後的心聲 [MV][Taiwanese][Monetization]


是的你可以。 但是,請確保您在AdSense帳戶的收款人資料中輸入的收款人詳細信息與帳戶持有人的收款行詳細信息完全匹配,否則您的付款將失敗。 如果您的付款失敗,則可能需要2-3週才能重新付款。

Can I set up somebody else's bank account to receive my payment?

Yes you can. But, please make sure the payee details that you enter in the payee profile of your AdSense account match exactly the beneficiary bank details of the account holder, otherwise your payment will fail. If your payment does fail, it can take up to 2-3 weeks before that payment will be reissued.